Monday, March 26, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Toy Story Party!

It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by already, Our little Isaac is ONE! We spent a wonderful weekend celebrating Isaac's first birthday. He was fighting a cold and a fever, but we manage to enjoy the festivities.

We had only a handful of family members come out to celebrate with us (except we were missing some a very special family from San Jose! we were so looking forward to there visit! We love them and appreciate them so much). We are so grateful they were here considering a the bad weather! It rained ALL day. We never had a chance to break the piñatas, but that didn't stop us! we had a games and gave out treats!

oh and a very special thanks to Tia Yanira, Tia Reyna Uncle Hector and Grandma and Grandpa !!They are the best helpers EVER! :-) 

                                        see "Isaac's 1st Birthday" Album for all the pictures 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today is a very special day, one year ago today we were blessed with a wonderful, loving, adorable and active lil baby! I thank God for the privilege he has given me to be Isaac and Melody's  Mommy. I feel so blessed.

Usually Isaac is asleep between 8-p.m. but today he's up at this very moment that I'm blogging (1:15am) He is tired, and he's just curled up in my ams looking up at me. So sweet. Melody (like always) is still up and she's next to me listening to cartoon soundtracks on my ipod and singing to each one.  I live for these moments.I don't ever want to forget, that's why I blog.