Ivan, Yadi and Ivansito were a part of this years get together, and man! they never disappoint! We really enjoy having them over!
Her some of the pictures of the family having fun!
Here is my little Isaac...looking cuter than EVER! :-)
Prep work for the Ginger Bread house
I love Melody's face...like I said, She's was really in to it.
uuuu, here they are putting it all together.
Ginger Bread Man!
Me and my little Precious!
Yaay Yadi and baby Ivan!
Here is Yanira giving me all she's got!
A special thanks goes out to Ivan for Helping with passing out the gifts this year
He did an Excellent job!
Another little cutie pie
Whoa! someone got a Kindle Fire!!!
So my secret Santa (my mom) gives me this funny looking sweater
you can't tell by the picture but it was funny, we could not stop laughing!
....and then, part 2 to my gift! a shirt with lots of ruffles! ha,ha,ha
Here is my Dad trying to steal a kiss from my mom! ha,ha,ha
Merry Christmas Everyone!