Friday, April 1, 2011

Isaac HERE!!

Isaac at 3 days old.

Wow! I can't believe his finally here!
God is sooo sooo good to us, I can't even begin to describe it.

It all began on Sunday March 6 at 4:40am, I started to have contraction that were irregular and about 7-10 min apart. At around 3:00pm Sunday, we decided to go to the hospital. They went ahead and checked me and said I was only 1 to 2 centimeters open and to go home and waited out a bit longer.

I kept having contractions that entire day I just kept rocking in my chair waiting for the contractions to hit! At around 8pm I decided to walk around the house, I walked and walked and walked (only stopping to pee) even through my contractions. At 2am I decided it was time, with every contraction I felt a small urge to push!. Emmanuel and I went to Melody rooms kissed her, told my parents(they got there in the afternoon to help us watch Melody) we were leaving and off we went! We were feeling happy/excited/nervous and pain all at the same time!

We arrived to the hospital at 2:40am the nurse checked me and said "Your open 8cm" followed by her telling another nurse "CALL DR.VU!!" She then started to put the IV. I told Emmanuel to go to the car and bring all of our stuff since this was it. He left the room at around 2:55am. About 5 min after he left MY WATER BROKE! and suddenly a strong urge to push followed, after that everything happend sooo fast! the nurse screams "CALL DR.VU, CALL DR.VU!!!" She then started to wheel my bed in to another room. In the back of my mind I thought "OMG, Emmanuel's gonna miss this!" BUT he didn't he got there about 3 min later and the Dr. was there in like 5 min (witch at the time it felt like an eternity!) I kept asking the nurses "Where is the Dr.? Is she home? is she here in the hospital? WHERE IS SHE?"

Once the Dr. got there I pushed FOUR TIMES and Isaac Emmanuel was OUT! and the very happy and excited proud Daddy cut the umbilical cord.

He was born Monday March 7,2011 at 3:37am weighing 6lbs 9oz 19.5" long